Saturday, November 21, 2009

New fav font

Chunk five created by Meredith Mandel:
is an official font of "The League of Type"
a web page created by my friend Micah Rich and a few of his
companions. The site consists of free fonts
made by recent college grads...Check it out and
grab some fonts!! And check out Chunk; its an
official font used by Kicks clothing!


Another Syracuse man who hobbies in
woodwork, he works in a Hospital
during the day,
and does this on the side...some
pretty awesome stuff!!!

Poison Apple

Another shirt designer out of Cali...doin
his own thing...Really cool!!!


I cannot help but wonder if Lady Gaga is inspired by
the artist Matthew Barney...both seem to put
on shows of wierd fantasy dealing with sexual
yet athletic's very intriguing and
an interesting style.